Weekend of 5/6 March
Last weekend was been a really good one. On Saturday, Sang and I joined Pearl, Sid, Jules, Gerrard and Peter/William (Jules' friend) for a day trip to Litchfield. We met up at Pearl and Sid's house and made our way down to Florence Falls. After relaxing in the waterfall for about 45 min, we had sandwiches for lunch by Buley's Rockhole. When we were done with lunch we spent more than an hour slacking in the waters of Buley's just chit chatting with one another. By the time we made it back to Darwin, it was already 3.30pm.
After a short rest, we got ready for a dinner event. This was a large event where all Singaporeans in Darwin were invited to join in. There were non-Singaporeans present as well and we had a good time getting to know new faces and enjoying our dinner. Subsequently, we headed to Rorkes for a drink and more chit-chatting with Gerrard, Jules and Peter/William.
In the evening, I had a friendly game of soccer with Shawn, Wayne and two Korean guys before Sang and I headed to Gerrard's place for a quiet dinner.
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