6 Months of 2018

We are well into June 2018. This year has absolutely blitz past. I have been fairly overwhelmed by work and my photography business which means that I haven't had as much time to sit around and relax. I know my Tasmania posts have stopped at Day 9. I've learnt that if you want to blog about a holiday, better to do it during the trip. Its been more than 6 months since our trip to Tassie so let's just leave it at that shall we? The past 3 months have seen me conduct many health promotion programs in schools and for seniors which probably contributed to the speeding up of time. I've had the pleasure to travel to Melbourne and Tennant Creek for work with possibly a few more trip coming up later this year.

Had to travel to Melbourne for work. Managed to find some time for landscape photography in Blackrock Beach.
Photography wise, growth has been slow. Its been tiring and costly trying to pursue this photography business. Competition is stiff and there have been many more photographers in the past year or so. The good news is that I have managed to (barely) hit my target which I had set for myself. Also, I have started receiving enquiries for next year which is a great improvement than 2017. I still have one more potential client to meet tomorrow so I'm keeping optimistic for that. I am hoping 2019 is a breakout year where I finally see a healthy business growth with a nice number of clients.

All things else, we have had a number of visitors this year. Shivani visited us in March. Unfortunately, the weather was a bit of a bummer with many road closures and continuous rains. We could not show her as much as we had hoped for but Shivani seemed happy to chill at home with us as well.

Shivani visits!

Camping with Luke and Sarah at Mary River Retreat

We finally visited Gunlom Falls and boy was it spectacular!

Laneway Music Festival  
Our regular visitors. From 1 to currently 6!
In May, my parents came over for a week and finally, Manoaj and Charlene surprised me on my birthday before Faisal, Joan and Keyan completed the reunion when they joined us the next day. As always, having visitors, especially close friends and family, visiting us is heartwarming. We love to share our experience of the Territory with our loved ones and since we have moved to Darwin, we have had a total of 25 visitors in 2 years. 25 individuals who I'm pretty sure would not have visited Darwin if we weren't here. Maybe TourismNT should hire us as ambassadors!

Hooded Parrots at Pine Creek

My parents and Sang enjoying a quiet evening at Nightcliff Foreshore

I'd say my parents enjoyed their stay in Darwin.
But it looks like we won't be having visitors for awhile. The dry season will disappear before September and soon, the humidity levels will rise up again, leaving us with buckets of perspiration. Its almost been two and a half years in Darwin now. Is it time for a new adventure? Maybe... but then again, having a business that's only just gathering momentum means I have to consider things carefully.

These two got married!
The Sals!
Manoaj and Charlene during our camping trip
Camping with the friends
The second half of the year should pass fairly quickly as well with many events taking residence in our calendars. Looking forward to the rest of 2018 and possibly the next chapter in our lives.


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